Vital Vision Therapy
Vision Therapy for All Ages
20|Twenty Eyecare is a partner of Vital Vision Therapy. Vital Vision Therapy offers progressive, individualized programs to treat vision and eye problems. Vision therapy is designed to present visual conditions that stimulate the brain to change how the eyes are working together.
All cases are not the same, so each case is customized to the individual person’s visual deficits. Based on each client’s visual function and goals of therapy, our doctors will prescribe a method or treatment that best fits their needs. Learn more about our vision therapy services through Vital Vision Therapy today.
Vision therapy is used for a variety of common visual problems such as (but not limited to) the following:
- Double vision
- Crossed eyes
- Lazy eye
- Vision-related learning challenges
- Convergence insufficiency
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Improving sports performance

Let's Start Seeing Clearly
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Call our office today to schedule an appointment with our exceptional Montana eye center—we're happy to work with you! If you are a new patient, please fill out and submit our New Patients Form.